Well, I'm Considering coming back to the Blogging World, yet to Tell you the Truth, Life Does Keep Getting in the Way. The Same Question as always is still within me. It is a Question of Priority. Blogging can be Like an Obsession, when I Let it Get the Better of me. Blogging Pulls at me, and yet Life Pulls at me too and if I'm Smart, I will Allow Real Life to Win the Tug on my Heart, yet somehow it seems that there Ought to be a Way to do Both.
I Guess Politics is the Same Way. The Political Situation has Gotten so Intense that it Seems that Getting Our Opinions Out there is the Only Thing that Matters Right Now and yet Life Goes on and we Still Need to Live Our Lives and we can not allow Ourselves to be Eaten Up with Political Anger and Rage. We Need to Be Careful that we do not Tare Away at Our Own Freedom to be Happy, by Entering into Anger, Discontent and Worry about what Freedoms we Might Lose.
When I Quit Blogging, one of the Things that was Troubling me was that the Democrats had Gotten so much Power and have been Behaving in such an Extreme Manner, that I didn't even Desire to Write as a Moderate Any More, yet what is the Other Option? Should I join the Rest of the Crowd in their Obama Bashing? That wouldn't be Hard for me to do, yet I'm not sure if it is Going to Serve much of a Constructive Purpose and Any Way, there are Plenty of People Out there Doing that Already, so what's the Point?
No, What Ever I do decide to do in the Blogging Word, it has to be Different and Uniquely me, so Here I am Returning to what I've always been About. No Matter how Bad Things Get, Our Mission should Still be to Try and Understand our Opponent and see if we can Find a Way to Work Together, rather than Imposing Extremes Upon Each Other. Just because the Democrats are Acting in Extreme Ways Right Now, does that Mean that we Need to Impose the Extreme of
Zero Regulations on Businesses and
Zero Social Programs. We Still Need to be Reasonable, for if we are not, then the Democrats are Just Going to Turn a Deaf Ear to us and We are not Going to have much Effect on them.
When I'm Angry, I do not Feel Like much of a Moderate, yet in Reality, that is always what I'm going to be.
The Priority War that I Mentioned in the Title has to do with the Obsession with Blogging and the Need to Live Life. It Relates, though, to so Many other Things. There is a Tug of War between Obsession and the More Mundane Things in Life; Between Politics and Living Life, Between Wanting to Make Some Kind of a Difference and just Doing what Needs to be Done, Between Anger and Peace and
Between Passion and Practicality. This is such a Hard Balance at Times. Such a Very Hard Puzzle that does not Appear to have an Answer.
Anger, though, does not Lead to Peace. It is Understanding that Leads to Peace and Unfortunately, Compromise Leads to Peace. I Know that a Lot of you do not Like the Word
Compromise, yet Unfortunately, this is a Reality of Life and it is not Going to Go Away. Perhaps Along with the Tug of War Between
Passion and Practicality, we should Add the Balance between
Idealism and Reality, for no Matter how Bad we want it,
No One is going to Get Everything that they Want. Unfortunately, Life is just not that way.
So maybe I can Still Blog about the Attitude of Moderation, rather than Extremes. Why should that Change just because I Feel that the Current Administration is Way Out of Hand?