- P. J. said: "On the comment from Soapster about libertarian view, he denies this requires a perfect world. Look around. The less regulation we have had in the banking “industry” (misnomer, IMO), the bigger the nightmare." Actually, a big regulation/intervention caused the banking mortgage collapse and the economic crisis. The government made banks make bad loans and dump them into Fannie-Mae which was a sump-hole for bad debt. Entirely unsustainable, and everything broke. Yes, the government strongly encouraged banks to make bad loans. If not for this regulation, we'd be a lot better off.
- The Problem with the Regulation that Forces Bad Bank Loans is that it did not Consider the Cost Benefit Equation Correctly. The Benefit to those who are Given the Loans was Considered, but not the Cost to the Banks. The Current State of our Government is Imbalanced in the Direction of the Consumer and Away from the Needs of the Business Man. To be Balanced, any Governmental Decision has to Consider both of these Parties, not Only One, and that is the Problem in a Nut Shell.
- Please, let’s not focus on bad loans so exclusively that we forget all those complicated “products” that financial institutions came up with, aimed at making money for them while they ducked any responsibility and often were purposely losing their investors’ money. Those so-called “products” would not have been possible without deregulation. The regulation was put in place because of similar, earlier (but not nearly as sophisticated in a Machiavellian way) outrages by banks. Then people conveniently forgot, and banking interests, through their lobbyists, were able to remove the protections and apply once again the BOHICA principle. (Out of deference to you, Lista, I’m leaving that as an acronym, but you can infer the meaning, I’m sure.) There were also plenty of “good” loans that were really bad owing to the overvaluation of the market—again, not by accident. I agree with you about Randism, dmarks. I belonged to that cult for a few years, long ago, but cults become wearisome if one is not a "true believer" but continues to think and question. No individual or group of humans has the WHOLE, FINAL TRUTH.
- I'm Laughing, in a way, at the Length of this Comment Thread. Ok. Fine. Whatever. It's just that I Think this is my Longest One Yet. Your Last Sentence, J.B.Grath, is really True.
- PJ: If the government would remove all backstops and protections from the banks, making them eat their own losses, instead of blowing a hole in the treasury to refill their pockets, the kind of crap you describe would stop immediately. These crony capitalists would not gamble so recklessly with their own money. That's deregulation I think most of us could get behind.
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