Saturday, July 12, 2008

Things I'm really Getting Tired of

Here's something that I started writing Yesterday, but didn't actually finish until Today...

The longer the Precautionary Evacuation continues, the more items get added to our stash in the trailer and cars. After awhile, I was also adding some of my favorite pictures and nick nacks, but lately, I've been missing the things that are packed away. All my favorite things are packed in the vehicles. Since we don't quite have enough duplicates supplies of things that are needed both in the trailer and in the house, it has been difficult to decide, what to pack and what to leave in the house.

I'm tired of having all the family photos that were hung up on our walls packed away on and off for weeks in our trailer and cars for evacuation. I'm tired of looking at the empty walls where these pictures used to hang. I miss some of my favorite things that are packed away. I'm tired of continually having to go out to the trailer and cars to retrieve something that I need that I had packed out there for evacuation. I'm tired of wondering when and if we will ever get that call telling us that it is time to evacuate. I'm tired of stressing and worrying about the fire. I was tired of sleeping in my cloths after only two nights of doing so and decided a couple of nights ago to start sleeping in my nightgown again. I'm even tired of watching the news. This has gone on far too long. It's time for it to rain or something. Lord, yes, please do send the rain.


The Griper said...

you are stressing out over something you can't control, little one. mother nature is in cotrol now. just prepare for the inevitible and let mother nature run its course. and the house being caught in the fire is not necessarily the inevitible end results. your focus should not be on that result alone.

Lista said...

Actually Griper,
It's not true that I have no control over my situation. I may have no control in relation to the actual house, but I do have control over what photos and possessions I decide to put in the car and over whether to bring them back in the house or leave them there.

Who says that my focus is only on the result of losing our house. I never said that. Believe it or not, my focus is more on the inconvenience of having so much of our stuff in the trailer and cars for such an extended period of time and wondering what I should do about it and yes, I do have control over what I should do about it. Things have improved and we have unpacked again.

The Griper said...

ahhhhhhhhh good to hear. then laughs, guess i'm not the wise ol' bird after all. lol

Lista said...

Oh you do Ok. Sometimes I can just be a little bit of a devil's advocate and thus, quite the pain in the butt. I really don't disagree with you as much as I appear to. ;)