Friday, July 8, 2011

Blogging and People Reflections

My Blog is Often more Peaceful then the Rest of the Blogosphere and I guess you could Say that I Like it that Way.  Arguing can be so Tiring at Times.  And even I can be One of those who Doesn't Exactly Know when it is Time to Quit.  I Wonder what the Rest of you Think.  Is there an Appropriate Time to Turn and Walk Away and Stop Arguing with Idiots?

Speaking of the Word Idiot, I Used to be so Reluctant to Use that Word, but you Know what?  It is Sort of Like when a Person is Pushy in some Way and Hangs Around and will not Go Away.  Being Polite is not Enough, so a Person has no Choice but to be Rude in Order to Get the Message Across that I do not wish to Interact with you any more.  This doesn't Apply to Anyone on the Web Right Now.  It's just something that I've Come Across before in my Life.

There is Something Similar, though, that Occurs while Arguing on the Web.  When a Person Keeps Repeating a Totally Ridiculous Point Over and Over Again that Makes no Sense at all, I've Actually Gotten to the Point At Times in which I Feel that I have no Choice but to Use Words Like Stupid or Idiot or BS, for this is the Only Way to Get my Point Across that I'm Really not at all Buying This and I Really do mean Really.

Sometimes I Get the Feeling that People Say the Ridiculous on Purpose, in order to Persuade People to Doubt themselves and their Ability to Reason, so that the One Speaking the BS can get the Upper Hand.  I've Actually seen this sort of thing used as a Form of Manipulation.  Control Freaks will do this in Order to Maintain Control Over the Situation.

Again, I am not Directing this at Anyone.  I'm just Curious what People Think about what I'm saying.

There are Times in which I have Actually been Obsessed with Idiots.  I don't Know What it is.  Perhaps I'm Trying to Figure Something Out about them.  Why don't they Get it?  How can they Possibly be so Dumb?  And Do they Really Think that I'm That Stupid?

There is Another Phrase that I Never Used to Say, that I've Said a lot more Recently, and that is the Phrase, "You are Insulting my Intelligence."  Never Before have I ever had my Intelligence Insulted on such a Regular Basis, Prior to Entering the Blogging World.  Never Before have I Met such Idiots, as I have Met in the Blogging World.  At First, it was just one, yet more Recently, I've Found Out that there is an Idiotic Personality Type that Lurks in the Shadows of the Web.

People are Far more Insulting and Some of them are even Far more Cruel on the Internet than anyone that I have Ever Met in Person.  If Someone Drops by and Reads this who is New to Blogging, Heed the Words that I'm now Saying.  It might be Good to be a Little Less Trusting and do not Let your Guard Down too Early.

It's Funny, you Know, I'm Even Having Trouble Writing about Relationships, cause on the Internet, such is even more Difficult than in the Real World.  People have no Desire to be Civil.  All they want to do is Argue.

Am I Venting Right Now?  I don't Know if I'm Venting or Reflecting.  Perhaps it doesn't Matter.  All I know is that I Don't Really Want my Blog to Always be just about Arguing the Issues.  Sometimes I just Like to Talk about what Troubles me.

So What's your Story?  What is Troubling you?


AmericanVet said...


Funny thing, when I started my blog I didn't know for sure what I wanted to do with it. I'd been a journalist in the past and I had a writing gig with a sports site but just writing a preview on the 2007 Minnesota Vikings or an article about Derek Jeter's fielding woes didn't satisfy me.

As a Christian presenting what I considered normal Christian values I soon learned what subjects brought in a firestorm of critics. Upon considering this, I realized that in the military you probe defenses to find where the strongest defenses are placed so that you can estimate the value of the target. It seemed that there was no target more esteemed by atheists than evolution. Pressing the Darwinist button brought the trolls out in droves. Therefore I decided my primary task was to take them on while presenting evidence to increase the faith of believers.

Thanks for being an oasis in a desert of trolls! As I scan comments it is nice to see sanity pop up now and then.

that radaractive guy

Lista said...

When I Started my Blog, I thought that Abortion was going to be the Main Subject and I have done a Few Posts on the Subject, but I Kept Being Led into other Subjects. My Blog is Diversified. Sometimes it's Political, Sometimes it's Scientific, Sometimes it's Spiritual and Sometimes it's just about life and Relationships.

I don't Know if you Realize it or not, but Evolutionism is just the Shield that Covers Up the Real Issues. Some of these Atheists are Angry at God and do not want to Give Him the Honor that He's due.

If you can Ever Succeed at Pushing Aside their Shield, so that they have to Admit that God Exists, that is when you will Discover what the Real Anger Issue is. They Need to Let God Heal them of their Hurts and Stop Fighting Him all the Time. They are Broken and Afraid to Face the Real Issues in their Hearts.

Thanks for the Complement of me as "an Oasis in a Desert of Trolls". I'm Glad to be of Service. Come By and say Hi whenever you Need a Break from the Insanity.

The Worst of the Trolls are the Anonymous Ones and they are Blocked here. If they want to Say Something Bad Enough, they Know what to do. It's not that Difficult and Starting a Blog is not Required. In Fact, Setting Up a Full Profile is not either. I Wonder if they Realize that.

BB-Idaho said...

Idiot is too kind a word for some bloggers and commenters. I think I may have used it once, but I have thought it lots. Didn't we learn in grade school 'think before you speak?' It would seem
rudimentary common sense to apply that to the written word as well.
But, I guess if someone craves attention, being an idiot is one way. :)

Lista said...

When I am Being either Manipulated or for that Matter Insulted in some way, BB, it is Absolutely Essential that I Understand that What is Being Said to me is Grossly Incorrect and Even Idiotic.

I Actually Remember the Day in which a Light Bulb went on in my Head. I was Feeling Stupid while Talking to my Father and then Experienced a Break Through in my Emotional Well Being when I was Able to Say to myself, "You Know, what this Guy is Saying to me Right Now is Totally Ridiculous, Idiotic and even Stupid." Realizing that was Essential to my Emotional Health.

There have been Situations, though, on the Web, in Which the Incorrect Statements were so Persistent that Thinking these Things was not Enough and I Found it Necessary to Actually Hear Myself say the Words Out Loud, Even though to do so would be an Insult to the One who was Insulting and Manipulating me.

I Use Words, such a Idiot, Stupid and the Like Extremely Sparingly, yet have been Known to do it when I Found it Necessary to Get the Point Across that I am in No Way Buying what the Person in Question is Saying.

BB-Idaho said...

" Never Before have I ever had my Intelligence Insulted on such a Regular Basis, Prior to Entering the Blogging World." neither!!

Lista said...

Glad you can Relate. Thanks for your Comment.