Monday, July 18, 2011

Defense Mechanisms and Confusion in Debate.

As I Continue to Talk about the Difficulty in Communicating on the Web, Perhaps I should Start with the Defense Mechanisms that have been Taught in Psychology Classes for Years.

Here is a Link to a Place in which they are Listed and Explained.  All I'm Going to do here is List Them by Name; Denial, Suppression, Reaction Formation, Projection, Displacement, Rationalization, Intellectualization, Undoing, Isolation of Affect, Regression and Sublimation.

Sublimation is the One that is the Most Healthy, but Many of these Defense Mechanisms Hinder Communication when Debating Emotional Issues.

Projection is a Really Big One, for it Leads to Blaming Other People of the Same Faults that we Possess Ourselves, which is in Reality a Hypocrisy.  It Reminds me of something that Grade School Children Sometimes say, "I Know you are, but what am I?"  I used to Chuckle when ever I Heard that and yet it has Truth to it for Sometimes what Someone Accuses of is more a Reflection on the Character of the Accuser, than on that of the Accused.

Displacement is also common.  I Like to Call this One, Scape Goating.  That is, you Take your Feeling Out on Someone Else, rather then the One who you are Actually Mad at.  If the Object of the Wrath can Realize and Remember that the Actual Frustration is Relating to something else and not Take this one Personally, then this Helps Alleviate the Problem, yet as Human Beings, we Often do React to these Things and this Makes the Communication more Confused.

Rationalization and Intellectualization is Actually a Form of Denial.

Aside from Sublimation, it is Better if we can Avoid these Defense Mechanisms while Debating Issues and Give Apologies when we Catch Ourselves doing it.

It's Funny, but it Seems to me that this List should also Include Identifying with the Aggressor.  This is when we Find Ourselves Acting Like and Becoming just Like Someone who we Hate.

Anyway, these are the Defense Mechanisms and they sure do mess Communication Up.  Whenever Possible, Facing and Dealing with Emotions Head on is the Best Way.  The Ability to do so is a Sign of Maturity.  Small Egos Require Defense Mechanisms, yet since we are Created in God's Image and He Loved us so much that he sent Christ to Die on the Cross for our Sins, we can have a Healthy sense of Self-Worth just Based on the Fact that we are Loved by the Creator of the Universe and having been Adopted as sons into God's Family, we are Royal Children of the King.

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