Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Part 2 - Sin, Karma, Santification, Laws & Grace
Satyavati devi dasi said...
"That would imply that the process is such:
"1. Admit or confess
"2. Get cleansed from sin (karma is a different thing and for me it is more accurate to use the original words)
"3. Everything's hunky dory.
"Now, this would imply that you can go on and do whatever you like now and it'll all be just washed under the bridge, no problem.
"Of course this isn't true. In fact, according to the Bible, it's basically impossible NOT to sin, if you're human, so at this point, I have to ask what happens to all those post-salvation sins? Do you just keep claiming Jesus over and over? Does he come back endlessly and wash it all up? Personally, I'd think eventually he'd get pretty tired of that; salvation is not cheap and not to be used as an excuse to go on and do whatever awful things you want to do.
"The way we view karma is as a law, independent of other things. Consider the law 'every action has an equal and opposite reaction'. The thing with laws is that they operate regardless of belief so that part doesn't really come into it.
"There's different kinds of karma, and they all carry their own baggage. That's too involved for here.
"There are instances in the Bible that point to a belief in reincarnation. People asked John the Baptist whether he was Elijah. Of course, Elijah was dead and gone, so that would mean that they believed that he could be reborn again in a different body. Also, the man who was born blind: they asked who had sinned, he or his parents, that caused him to be born blind. Asking whether the man had sinned would presumably imply a previous lifetime, unless you'd like to posit that he sinned whilst still in utero."
- Satyavati devi dasi said...
The law of gravity doesn't require that you believe in it for it to be so. In fact, God also doesn't require you to believe in him-now before you jump on that, what I mean by that is he exists regardless of whether you do believe or not. Just like the law of gravity, God is.. was before you believed in him and if you should for some reason decide to change your mind about him tomorrow, he's still going to exist. I believe it was Jung who said: 'Bidden or not bidden God is present.' So this is what I mean.
Karma is the same way; a natural law of the universe that operates whether you believe in it or not. The 'law of reaping and sowing' is a sort of diluted form of karma; it doesn't have quite the scope that karma does. I'm just trying to explain how it all fits together, that's all.
Can the Lord step in and remove karmic burdens or prevent the results of karma coming to fruition? Of course he can. Will he? That's up to him. He doesn't have to. And in the absence of such intervention, it just continues to operate as it does. -
July 26, 2011 at 3:05 PM
- Lista said...
"He exists regardless of whether you do believe or not."
I'm not going to Argue with that One, for that is Very True and Yes, it is True that the Law of Gravity is so, rather we believe in it or not and the Law of Reaping and Sowing, just like Karma, also Exists whether we Believe or not, yet Faith also Plays a Part in rather or not God will Intervene and Offer Grace in a Way that Defies His Own Laws and that is what I Mean.
The Law of Reaping and Sowing within Christianity doesn't Reach Across Rebirths and Reincarnations. Aside from this, I agree with your Last Paragraph.
Another Thing to Consider, though, is the Christian Concept of Heaven and Hell, for what we are not Rewarded for or Punished for here on Earth, we will have to Deal with in the After Life, yet Christ's Death on the Cross Brings Mercy and Grace to those who are Humble Enough to Believe and Trust and Receive His Forgiveness.
The Biggest Part of the Forgiveness Package is not what has to do with Consequences here on Earth, but with the Consequences in the After Life. It is by Far Preferable to Experience enough Consequences here on Earth in Order to Bring a Person to Repentance, so that there will not be Consequences in Hell.
Also, to God, all Sins are Alike. No Matter how Big or Small in Our Eyes, anything that has not been Repented of is a Serious Offense and if we do not Receive God's Forgiveness through Christ's Blood, we are Guilty before God and this is Why Pride is a Very Big Deal and Humility is Everything. -
July 26, 2011 at 7:43 PM
- Z-man said...
The Pope, I believe he may have said this when he was Cardinal Ratzinger, said in so many words that Christianity is superior to these other faith systems that rely on karma because it offers the believer the opportunity to break free of these karmic burdens through Christ's forgiveness. I mean who wants to be stuck on this wheel of karma for how many lifetimes? Most of us not being perfect will do wrong things in this life so that brings its own karmic debt in the next so seems to me the cycle just repeats itself ad infinitum until you get it right. Ooops, just killed a centipede in the bathtub and I was going good there for a while!
August 9, 2011 at 9:14 AM
- Lista said...
Hey! Someone Wrote a Comment on my Blog. Hi Z-Man.
Nice Comment Z. I Keep going back to the Fact that the Bible Stands up to Historical and Archeological Scrutiny better then Any Other Religious Book, yet the Bottom Line is that Many Lives have been Changed Dramatically by their Believe in and Relationship with Jesus Christ. -
August 9, 2011 at 9:42 AM
- Satyavati devi dasi said...
No, there's ways out of karma and the way to do it is to do activities that don't carry ANY karma, not for good or for bad. Because both kinds of karma will bind you to the material world and the idea is to get out of the material world.
So the priority becomes, how does one do activities that don't carry any karma at all? and that's what you have to learn how to do.
Most people think that karma is just about bad things but it's also about good things too, and the important thing to understand about that is that either one will bind you.
Anyway, that's just part of it all. -
August 13, 2011 at 1:49 PM
- Lista said...
The Basic Difference between Salvation from Sin and the "Ways Out of Karma" that you Suggest is that your System is Based on Works and within Christianity, Salvation is Based on Faith.
Though I have Explained some about Calvinism and Armenianism in the Previous Post, in that Calvinists Emphasize Grace and Mercy and Armenianists Emphasize Responsibility and Faith, it is not True that Armenianists Stress Works, for Faith is a Heart Attitude, not a Work. Works Involve Action. Yes, Heart Attitudes do Result in Good Works, but it is not the Works that Bring the Salvation.
Calvinists sort of Confuse the Issue by Calling Faith a Work, yet Faith is not an Action it is a Frame of Mind and Faith is what Saves, not Works or "Activities".
Also, the Penalty of Sin is not Reincarnation, but Death. Jesus took Our Place, though, and Paid the Price for us by Dying on the Cross. Because of this, it is not Necessary for us to "Work" in Order to "Earn" Our Passage into Heaven. All that is Required is Faith. If we Believe, then it is God who will do the Necessary Sanctification Process in Order to "Cleanse us from all Unrighteousness".
Meanwhile, we are Pronounced Righteous before God because of Christ's Blood. -
August 14, 2011 at 6:07 PM
- Z-man said...
I think I get Saty's point though. I was thinking this today, are Christians in general better than other people because they go to Church and believe in Christ? Many of them aren't and I think this idea of them going to Christ and Christ forgiving them over and over again fosters a kind of laziness in them that they can sin over and over again, gossip for example and since karma is more firm than this maybe the believer in karma is more careful than the average Christian. Just thinking out loud here:)
August 16, 2011 at 10:40 AM
- Lista said...
If you more Carefully Read my Above Comment, Z-man, you will see that who is Better then Who is not the Point. Christianity Teaches that Salvation does not Come through Works, so for One Person to be Better than another is not going to Cut it in Terms of Getting into Heaven.
Those who Keep Sinning, though, and don't even Try are not Really Living by Faith, for True Faith will Result in Spiritual Growth and Progress in Relation to Becoming a Better Person over Time. A Person who is not Growing and Improving in their Spiritual Walk is not Living by Faith and though it is not Works that will Save you, there does Need to be Faith.
Sorry, Z, that it Took me so Long to Get to you We've been Preparing for our Trip. That is Church Camp and I've been Packing the Travel Trailer and now we are Going to be Gone Until Sunday or Monday. -
August 17, 2011 at 9:42 PM
- BB-Idaho said...
You mentioned Johnny Appleseed as
a preacher as well as a planter of
appleseeds in one of your discussions. His kind of Christianity
was quite different... -
August 19, 2011 at 5:08 AM
- Lista said...
Hi BB,
Sorry it has Taken me so Long to Get Back to my Blog. When we got back from our trip, I was Dealing with a Dental Problem and I guess I just haven't been in the Mood for Getting back into this until now.
I want to Congratulate you, though, BB, for you may have Inspired another Post and it is about Time that I do another One too, for it has been awhile. -
August 25, 2011 at 1:22 PM
- BB-Idaho said...
In response to the story of the ladder & the ice... "and most Spiritual People would Consider this an Act of a God or some sort of Guardian Angel. For some Reason God Decided to Spare me."
I had a similar frightening experience as a dumb teenager.
We decided to canoe from a bridge
in one town downstream to a landing. When I say dumb, consider that the river was 15 feet over flood stage and we started at 8PM.
So the current was raging through the trees on either side and darkness was soon upon us. Now
we need consider 'dumb & dumber'.
We forgot that they were constructing an underground pipeline across the river!! This
involved cables and barges, as well as blasting subsurface rock,
a hazard during even flows and broad daylight (did I mention dumber?)
Around 11PM it was pitch dark and the river speeded up through
a limestone canyon. We could hear the upcoming distubance roaring over the sound of the river's edges tearing over the rocks. As
it was roaring along about 20mph
we could not get to the side. We
saw the river roaring over a falls
with steel pipes sticking up here and there and steel cables strung
from each side. We decided to aim
for the center of the holocaust and didn't discuss the odds of survival (cuz they were nil?)
Straight down we went into the
dark roar, wherein my shoes were
sucked off and my billfold swept away...then we popped up. Still
in the center of the raging river
with vertical cliffs on each side.
We hung onto the canoe and swam for the right side, but the current kept pushing us out to the center. After 4 miles, we finally
grounded on a rock near the shore.
Totally exhausted, we had to climb
the rock cliff. No shoes and I had to walk several miles through the woods. We saw the lights of a farm house and in relief approached
the porch. Having been saved from
certain death, we fought so hard that we forgot to thank the lord.
I think that is why the farm dogs
attacked us. What d'ya think? -
September 8, 2011 at 1:13 PM
- Lista said...
I Think that someone may have been Praying for you.
September 8, 2011 at 4:02 PM
- Lista said...
You Know, for those of you who are Still Reading the Comments beneath this Post, you might want to also Check Out the two Posts above this One because they are about Swedenborg and Swedenborg was actually Quite Focused on Sanctification, rather then the Initial Conversion Experience. As Time has Passed, I have Realized that he is Quite Relevant to what we have been Discussing.
To Focus of Sanctification is Actual more Spiritually Mature then to Focus Totally and Exclusively on Grace and even Conversion. Here is a Passage of Scripture that is Key...
"12) For when for the time ye ought to be teachers, ye have need that one teach you again which be the first principles of the oracles of God; and are become such as have need of milk, and not of strong meat. 13) For every one that useth milk is unskilful in the word of righteousness, for he is a babe. 14) But strong meat belongeth to them that are of full age, even those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil. 6:1) Therefore leaving the principles of the doctrine of Christ, let us go on unto perfection; not laying again the foundation of repentance from dead works, and of faith toward God." (Hebrews 5:12-14 & 6:1, KJV) -
September 9, 2011 at 9:45 AM
To Pick Up where I Left Off, I will now be Responding to this Quote...
"so at this point, I have to ask what happens to all those post-salvation sins?"
The Process that Occurs after Salvation is Called Sanctification and is a Process in which we are Gradually Being Cleansed and Washed of our Sins. This is Illustrated in Romans “For if you are living according to the flesh, you must die; but if by the Spirit you are PUTTING TO DEATH the deeds of the body, you will live. (Romans 8:13, NASB)
In this Verse, Deeds or Actions are Mentioned, yet the Phrase, “Putting to Death”, is from the Greek Root, “Thanatoo”, which Means to Mortify, Kill or Put to Death, yet in this Verse, the Tense Used Contains an Implication of a Process. The New American Standard Bible is the One that the Most Got this One Right, by Using the Correct Tense of the Word, “Putting to Death”, rather then "Put to Death" (NRSV & NIV) or “Mortify” (KJV)
Quoting Satyavati again...
“Do you just keep claiming Jesus over and over? Does he come back endlessly and wash it all up? Personally, I'd think eventually he'd get pretty tired of that.”
My Response:
In a Sense, Yes. He does Keep Cleaning it up, but He doesn’t get Tired of it, because He Loves us and if we are Willing to Submit to the Sanctification Process, then Over Time, there will be Improvement.
"Salvation is not cheap and not to be used as an excuse to go on and do whatever awful things you want to do.”
That is Absolutely Correct and also Biblically Accurate, just as I Explained in the Previous Post.
“The way we view karma is as a law, independent of other things. Consider the law 'every action has an equal and opposite reaction'. The thing with laws is that they operate regardless of belief so that part doesn't really come into it.”
There is such a Law that is Described in the Bible...
“Do not be deceived; God is not mocked, for you reap whatever you sow.” (Galations 6:7, NRSV)
As to the Second Part of your Words, though, Satyavati, Laws do not Actually "Operate Regardless of Belief". For Example, Once when we were Shoveling Snow off of the Roof of my In-Laws, I Slipped and Feel off a Ladder. According to the Laws of Slippery Ice and Gravity, I should be Dead Right now, or at the Very Least, Seriously Injured, yet somehow, Miraculously, the Ladder was Caught on the Step. To Better Picture this, the Ladder Slipped Off the Deck and was Caught on a Step. That is, One of the Legs of the Ladder was Caught on the Step and the Other was Still Suspended in the Air. With Ice that Slippery, there is no Way that the Ladder should have Remained Up Right and yet it did. I Ended Up Up Side Down with one of my Legs Caught in One of the Rungs of the Ladder. The Ladder Remained Up Right, I did not Hit the Ground, aside from Shock and Fear, I was Unharmed.
This Experience Defied the Laws of Gravity and Slippery Ice and most Spiritual People would Consider this an Act of a God or some sort of Guardian Angel. For some Reason God Decided to Spare me.
There is another Law at Play here, which is the Law of Grace, yet Grace is not for Everyone, for “God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble." (1 Peter 5:5b, NRSV). For some Reason, God Extended Grace to me and Spared me from the Natural Laws of Gravity and Ice, so you see, Satyavati, it is not True that Things such as Belief and also Grace do not “Come into Play”. The Law of Reaping and Sowing is Similar, for Sometimes God Steps in and Offers Grace. Does this Always Happen? No. Sometimes God Allows us to Experience the Natural Consequences for Our Actions.
Here is another Example from my Own Life. Earlier in my Life, I was Caught up in a Certain Sin. In my Sin, I was Taking Considerable Risks that should have come with Far Greater Consequences then they did, yet Somehow I was Spared and my Consequences were Minimal. Why? I Think it was because God Knew some of the Insinuating Circumstances, as well as my Own Level of Maturity at the Time. In Time, through the Process of Growth and Sanctification, I Improved in my Ability to not Sin. There was a Time, though, in which I “Back Slid” and Regressed into some of my Old Ways. This Time, though, God decided not to Protect me from some of the Consequences that are more Serious. Why? Because I should have Known better. This was an Old Lesson that I should have Left in the Past and I was a Fool to Return to this Old Pattern of Sin.
I’ll Deal with the Reincarnation Issue Later. I’ve Said Quite a Bit for now.